Week 19: How to Win Friends and Influence People
Principle: Be sympathetic with another’s ideas and desires.
What does sympathy look like?
Sympathy. It’s that shocking utterance, “I understand,” after a heated complaint. It’s the “I am so sorry,” when a client let’s out their frustration. It’s silence, when you want to react to an irritated client.
“I don’t blame you.”
That’s all it takes. Sympathy isn’t about proving that you are right. Sympathy looks like silent, active listening when someone’s cheek turn rosy with fluster because their ideas are not valued.
Emotions simmer. Conversations boil. Clients complain. Misconstrued comments get entangled in arguments.
And the answer is: sympathy.
As I have mentioned many times before, to do our jobs as photographers we have to connect. How do we do this? In the middle of conflict, we sympathize.
What if in your next conflict, you sat there. You listened. You apologized. You uttered the words, “I don’t blame you.”
Here are a few ways to show sympathy to your clients.
1. If you did something wrong, apologize immediately. Be specific about why you are apologizing.
2. Control your temper. It’s better to say nothing at times.
3. Return kindness when you are insulted.